Friday, November 14, 2008

Life Candy: Fat Lady Eating Pizza - #3

I swear to all that's holy, a mere two weeks after seeing a fat guy chomping on ice cream outside the TSM building at UT, in the exactly same spot I saw something amazing one Friday. This time I was not waiting for a ride against my will to West Texas, no sire, this time I was getting on my bike to ride home up Duval.

And I saw, driving in a black American sedan from the late 90s, blasting the Dixie Chicks really loud, a fat lady eating a piece of pizza and licking her fingers.

Yes my friends. The American Dream.

Soon to come: Morrissey lyrics and drinking. Has or does Mr. Moz really ever have a few of the alcomohols? He'd like to make you think so.

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