Proof that back then sucked just as bad "back now."
Sounds kind of like Austin right? This is from the mid 16th c. The Elizabethan definition of "rogues and vagabonds." Apparently back then, wool became a hot commodity, and so land became enclosed and the poor had no where to go but the city. Where they festered. So the government sent them to America! Where they died! A lot of them! Anyways, rogues and vagabonds:
". . . All persons calling themselves Schollers going about begging, all seafaring men pretending losses to their Shippes or goods on the sea going about the country begging, all idle persons going about in any Country either begging or using any subtile crafte or unlawful Games . . . comon Players of Interludes and Minstrells wandering abroade . . . all wanderingpersons and comon Labourers being persons able in bodye using loytering and refusing to work for such reasonable wages as is taxed or commonly given . . . ."
This guy to the right's totally a rogue
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